How to apply ColourGuard Plus

ColourGuard Plus is a fantastic lawn pigment that can instantly improve your lawn’s colour.

ColourGuard is especially great to use in winter when lawns can naturally lose some colour. In this blog, we go into detail of how to apply both the ready-to-use and concentrate ColourGuard Plus.

Hose on bottle of Lawn Solutions ColourGuard Plus for lawns
Cologuard plus 100ml

How to apply ColourGuard Plus hose on?

1. Shake bottle well

2. Remove cap and screw on hose on attachment

3. Attach hose to connector

4. Turn on hose

5. Remove green tab

Hose on bottle of Lawn Solutions ColourGuard Plus for lawns

6. Pull black tab up to allow product to spray

7. Once finished, push black tab back down to stop water flow and plug in green tab

8. Turn off hose

How to apply ColourGuard Plus concentrate?

1. Shake bottle well

2. Measure out how many m2 you are wanting to cover

3. Use the application rate table to determine your application rate

3. Measure how much ColourGuard Plus will be needed

4.Fill your tank with water first, then add the recommended amount of pigment

5. Give your tank a quick mix to ensure the concentrate has diluted throughout the tank

Application Rate Table for ColourGuard

6. Spray your mix to the area

7. Once finished, give your sprayer and nozzle a rinse with clean water

If you want to increase the intensity of the pigment, you can add more ColourGuard Plus to your sprayer.

Common questions about applying ColourGuard Plus

Is ColourGuard Plus safe to use on all lawn types?
Yes, ColourGuard is safe to use on all lawn types!

Is ColourGuard Plus safe to use around pets?
Yes, it is safe to use around pets. However, we recommend keeping pets off the lawn for a few hours to ensure the pigment has properly dried and absorbed into the leaf. After the pigment has been absorbed, we also recommend watering the lawn to wash off any excess product the grass hasn’t absorbed.

Can ColourGuard Plus be used year-round?
Yes, it can be applied at any time throughout the year.

How long will the pigment last on the lawn for?
Once applied, the pigment is locked into the leaf. Therefore, the pigment will be removed with the leaf when the lawn is mown.

What can I do if I apply the ColourGuard to another surface?
If you apply the pigment to another surface, it is best to wash it off immediately with water to avoid staining.

Will ColourGuard Plus work on dead grass?
As this product needs to be absorbed into the leaf of the grass, it will work best on a lawn that is healthy. If applied to a dead lawn, the grass won’t be able to absorb the pigment. It may still give it a slight green up; however, it won’t work as effectively.

ColourGuard Plus Collection
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