Even though the temperature has dropped and plant growth has slowed, you can still lay lawn in winter! We have extensive processes on farm to ensure our lawn is harvestable and top quality throughout winter.
Not only can you lay lawn successfully in winter, there is even a few benefits of getting your lawn installed at this time of year.
Benefits of laying lawn in winter
Less irrigation is required during winter for new turf. You’ll find the rain does most of the watering for you at this time of year.
When summer comes around, your lawn will be established and ready to play on! Don’t wait around in Spring for your lawn to establish, lay it now and enjoy it all season!
We put extra care into ensuring our lawn is still quality at this time of year. Regular ColourGuard applications protect our lawn from frost and keep it green, even through winter.
As your accredited Lawn Solutions Australia grower, this quality is always guaranteed with their 10 year product warranty.
Our winter lawn
Lawn laid in winter
It’s good to keep in mind, when laying a new lawn in winter, the lawn will not root down properly until the weather warms up and it starts growing again. This doesn’t mean anything is wrong, and your lawn isn’t dying. It is simply sitting idle until it gets some warmer temperatures so it can fully establish.
Just like any time of year, it’s important to keep traffic off the area until the lawn has established – we think it’s a lot easier to do this in the wintery cold than in summer!
You can also add a great colour-enhancing product to your order called ColourGuard Plus, to make sure your lawn stays lush and green all year round.
So why wait? Beat the rush in spring and install your lawn now so it’s ready to use all summer! We’re still delivering Tuesday-Saturday, so get in touch with us now to book your order in or request a quote online here.