6 Lawn Watering Tips
Watering is one of the most important parts of caring for your lawn. Not watering enough leads to a range of different lawn problems and
NPK – 17-0-3 + S
Lawn Solutions Australia’s ProPlus Natural Carbon Fertiliser is a professional extended-release fertiliser. This newly developed natural carbon based fertiliser minimises leaching by binding nutrients to naturally occurring carbon and is suitable for all lawn types.
9kg can cover up to 400m2
Lawn Solutions ProPlus Natural Carbon Fertiliser includes nitrogen, potassium, sulphur and other micronutrients. For lawns that are cut short and highly manicured, the mini-prill can easily make its way down into the lawn canopy to the soil where it can be absorbed by the plant’s roots as required to sustain even plant growth.
Key Benefits:
Not sure what you need? Chat to a lawn consultant today!
Lawn Care Tips!
Watering is one of the most important parts of caring for your lawn. Not watering enough leads to a range of different lawn problems and
How to water your lawn efficiently Water is fundamental for grass to transport nutrients, maintain cell structure and for it to create its own food
When it comes to achieving a lush, well-maintained lawn, Plant Growth Regulators, also known as PGRs like Primo Maxx might just be the best-kept secret.
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