You need this product for your lawn this summer!
When it comes to achieving a lush, well-maintained lawn, Plant Growth Regulators, also known as PGRs like Primo Maxx might just be the best-kept secret.
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This product is a root pruning chemical that provides control of hard to kill weeds on established turf. It is safe to use on TifTuf, Couch, Kikuyu and most Buffalo varieties giving a broad spectrum of weed control with a single chemical. Low application rates and low active ingredient output meaning you bottle with go further and last longer.
Weeds controlled are
Broadleaf Weeds: Bindii, Black Thistle, Catsear, Cotula, Cudweed, Guildford (Onion) Grass, Medic, Mouse Ear Chickweed, Oxalis, White Clover, Onion Weed and False Onion Weeds.
Grass Weeds: Ryegrass, Wintergrass (Suppression), Bahia, grass (Suppression and seedhead reduction)
A good option from a resistance management, rotational perspective for broadleaf weeds.
Always apply with a non-ionic surfactant
Do not apply to turf which is under stress or which is not yet established
Do not use if rain expected within 4 hours
RATES (in 200-500ml of water)
Winter Grass and Rye Grass – 1.5g per 100m2
Bindii, Black thistle, Cats ear, Cotula, Cudweed, Guildford Grass, Medic, Mouse ear, Chickweed, Oxalis, White Clover – 1g per 100m2
False onion weed – 0.25g per 100m2
Bahia Grass – 0.5g per 100m2
Not sure what you need? Chat to a lawn consultant today!
Lawn Care Tips!
When it comes to achieving a lush, well-maintained lawn, Plant Growth Regulators, also known as PGRs like Primo Maxx might just be the best-kept secret.
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