TifTuf Bermuda is now the number one selling instant lawn variety in South Australia. It is extremely popular for its long list of impressive benefits. So, how much does TifTuf Bermuda cost?
When comparing the cost of TifTuf Bermuda to other instant lawn varieties, you have to take into account the time and effort that has gone into creating this exceptional instant lawn variety and everything you will benefit from if you choose it!
How much does TifTuf Bermuda cost?
For an average sized yard, we recommend to budget for $17.00 to $19.00 per m2 for TifTuf Bermuda.
This is for the instant lawn only! Don’t forget to also budget $100-$200 for delivery to your door in Adelaide. Instant lawn is delivered on pallets which can be very heavy and require specialised delivery with a forklift unload.
We also recommend important establishing products like Lawn Launcher and Aftercare Fertiliser to ensure your new lawn thrives in its new home.
If you would like a personalised quote, request a quote here or call us on 08 8577 8826.
Why is TifTuf Bermuda more expensive?
TifTuf Bermuda comes at a higher price than other instant lawn varieties on the market, but it’s worth it! To understand the higher cost, it’s important to understand just how TifTuf Bermuda came to Australia and why it is significantly better!
The history of TifTuf Bermuda
TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda is the product of almost 25 years of research and development from one of the world’s leading turf grass breeders, the University of Georgia. TifTuf has been hand selected out of almost 30,000 different Bermuda varieties, showing superior qualities in drought tolerance, shade tolerance, wear tolerance and winter colour whilst at the same time maintaining excellent turf quality.
Benefits of TifTuf Bermuda
After extensive research, they found a variety that stood out among the rest! TifTuf Bermuda has been compared to other similar couch instant lawn varieties on the market and excels in its winter colour, drought tolerance and shade tolerance.
Drought Tolerance
TifTuf Bermuda is now the benchmark for drought tolerance in Australia.
After many years of extensive independent testing and research, TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda is the first and only turf grass to receive the Smart Approved WaterMark for drought tolerance in Australia or anywhere in the world.
It requires 37% less water than other varieties and can establish within a couple of weeks.
Shade Tolerance
Couch varieties aren’t typically known for their shade tolerance. Santa Ana requires full sun to thrive and has never performed well in areas of shade.
TifTuf Bermuda has a shade tolerance of 50%, requiring only 5 hours of direct sunlight a day to thrive. This significantly increases its applications in homes and public spaces (which often have some shade!).
Wear Tolerance
Increased gibberellic acid production makes TifTuf an incredibly fast grower and repairer. It also has a thick root mat which isn’t easily penetrated. This makes it exceptional for areas of high wear and tear like sports fields, public spaces and high energy homes.
Winter Colour
If you’re familiar with other couch varieties like santa ana, you would know they often go brown through the winter months. TifTuf Bermuda has exceptional retention of colour through winter and very fast spring green-up too.
Although TifTuf Bermuda is more expensive than other instant lawn varieties, it’s easy to see why you will benefit from spending a little bit more money. In the long run, you will SAVE money on water, fertiliser and precious time.
If you would like a personalised quote for TifTuf Bermuda, request a quote here or give our lawn consultants a call on 08 8577 8826.