Caring for your lawn in Summer

There’s no snowmen around this Christmas; the heat has arrived!

You might be enjoying the sun on your skin and endless outdoor activities, but  it’s important to think about how your lawn is doing too! There’s no air conditioning or icy poles waiting for your lawn when it gets too hot this season!

Changing a few little things in your lawn care regime will certainly help to ensure your lawn gets through the summer heat as best it can.

  • Summer is the peak growing period for most Australian lawn types
  • Regular deep-watering is better for your lawn than frequent shallow-watering
  • Regular mowing encourages thick growth and a healthier lawn overall

The key to keeping your lawn in top condition right through summer is with regular watering, mowing and care. Deep-watering less frequently will encourage a stronger and deeper root system than frequent shallow waters. An occasional nutrient boost with a high quality slow release granular fertiliser will help to keep your lawn in top shape for summer. The healthier the lawn, the less susceptible to weeds or disease it becomes.

When should I water my lawn?

Conserving water and getting the most benefit out of the water you use is the most important aspect of summer lawn care. Watering in the heat of the day will cause a lot of moisture loss due to evaporation, so we recommend to water your lawn early morning before it gets hot. This will allow the water to be absorbed and used more effectively by your lawn. Evening watering can increase your risk of disease, especially if the air is humid so it’s best to avoid this where possible.

If there’s been a long dry spell and your lawn starts to look a bit lacklustre, check to see if your soil is water repellent. You can do this by pouring some water onto a few areas. If it doesn’t soak in quickly, the soil may have developed hydrophobia. An application of Lawn Soaker will soon sort this problem out!

Lawn Soaker is a treatment for water repellent soil. A premium lawn hydration solution. A ready to use soil wetting agent specifically developed for use on lawns. It improves the penetration of water so it can reach deep down to the roots. Regular use will ensure the soil re-wets and prevents further dry spots from forming.

Treats up to 150m2.

Mowing in Summer

The key to mowing your lawn in summer is to make sure you are doing so regularly. Regular mowing promotes strong, thick and even growth and minimises stressors on your lawn.

When it comes to leaf height, we recommend sticking to the length your lawn is accustomed to, and the length that you prefer. But don’t cut it so short as to scalp it or cut off excessive amounts of the leaf at any one time as this will cause unnecessary stress.

When mowing, do so earlier in the day or as the sun has started to go down. The hot sun in the middle of the day is more likely to do damage to the freshly cut lawn, so it is best to mow when it is cooler to cause less stress to the leaf.

In addition, a sharp set of mower blades will provide a much cleaner cut and reduce harm and stress to the grass. Make sure you have checked the blades and have replaced or sharpened them if necessary.

If it feels like you can’t keep on top of your mowing this summer, a Plant Growth Regulator could help reduce the amount you’re required to mow.

Primo Maxx promotes denser, healthier turf that is better able to withstand a variety of stresses including heat, drought, disease and traffic.
It slows the production of gibberellic acid, a plant hormone that promotes cell elongation. Vertical shoot growth is slowed, while lateral and below-ground growth of rhizomes, stolons, tillers and roots is stimulated. Reducing mowing by up to half!

Key tips:

Aerating Sandals on lawn

Aeration – Improving the ability for water to penetrate to the roots will be important to take best advantage of water when it is available, but also to improve moisture in the soil where it is needed during the next dry spell.

Dog on the lawn

Stay off the lawn – Your grass is already having a hard time and the drier it is, the more it is likely to be damaged and not be able to recover from foot traffic or additional wear.

pop up sprinkler

Water effectively – When you can water, do so for longer, less frequently. Encourage deeper roots that can delve deeper into the soil to find moisture. This will allow your lawn to stay hydrated for longer, even if there has been an extended period without rain.

Lawn Solutions Lawn Soaker

Apply a wetting Agent – Hydrophobic soil is caused by the decomposition of organic matter, which leaves a wax like substance forming a coating on soil particles. A wetting agent like Lawn Soaker will break down this coating and allow water to penetrate.

ColourGuard Plus – If your lawn has lost some colour and vigour from the heat, a good option is ColourGuard Plus. It’s a natural pigment with a liquid fertiliser. ColourGuard Plus is a great solution to keep your grass green and to save water at the same time.

Water, Water, Water!

In the end, giving your lawn an extra water throughout the hot summer months will almost always solve any problems you are having. Just look at the difference going from short 10 minute waters once a day to longer deeper waters every few days made to this lawn – 

Front lawn with stepping stones
Front lawn with stepping stones

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
We will be in the office until 2pm Friday 24th December 2021 and will be back Monday 10th January 2022 from 8am.

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